Author: Tiziano

Sova steals gold

Sofie Van der Jonkheyd (32) and Eva Willemarck (33) 2 of our CrossFit coaches at CrossFit Moves, took first place at the Red Bull Spotlight in Brussels. They have carefully worked towards this event for months, with a strong result as a result. What a great example of teamwork and girl power! Congratulations team Sova!…

6 tips for 2019 and the rest of your life

2019 is fast approaching! High time for good intentions. Most people have the same good intention every year: “Start exercising more and get back fit….” Unfortunately, only 8% of all people actually succeed in achieving their good intentions. So 92% of people don’t make it. Do you finally want to be part of that 8%…

Fit people are happy people

Corona is ugly at home, the pandemic is ravaging our globe in many places. No one can predict what the future will bring. We are all looking for something to hold on to and some positive certainty. The harsh reality, however, is that no one can offer it to us. Our body is an instrument…

Jesse’s story

I started CrossFit as an outlet. As an athlete I needed something where I could put all my energy into, where I was challenged to always give the best of myself. I found that in CrossFit, but it’s more than just some exercise! I quickly discovered that there is a close-knit community at CrossFit Moves….

Joeri’s story

Two years ago I discovered CrossFit. It was not the nicest time in my life. I was recovering from a burnout and my self-esteem had dropped to the lowest level ever. I think I can admit that CrossFit saved my life. I was challenged to push my physical and mental limits. Every rep counts The…

Vinnie’s story

From a chubby epicurean to a rock-hard CrossFit athlete, read Vinnie’s story: I’ve been a member of the amazing CrossFit Moves community for two years. In these two years I have become a fitter and happier person. I was therefore very sad when our box had to close in March due to the Corona pandemic….

Maarten’s story

Meanwhile, it’s been almost three years since I first walked into CrossFit Moves. After a few sportless years I had started running again and that didn’t always go as smoothly as I had hoped. Busy days at work and a long relationship coming to an end had pushed me into a rut that seemed hard…