Category: Member of the month

Lid van de maand Kristof Vinckx aan het woord tijdens een CrossFit workout bij CrossFit Moves in Antwerpen

Kristof’s story

Luca, my girlfriend, and I were looking for a sport that we could practice together. The biggest motivation for this was not to collapse straight into the couch every evening after work, but to be active a little more. As a couple it is not easy to find something that suits us both. And that’s…

Member of the month Lilia Robles at CrossFit Moves

Lilia’s story

Lilia has been interested in CrossFit for a long time, but she only began when she started her studies. She is currently abroad due to her studies and she was looking for a sport that could take her to different countries. That’s why she chose CrossFit. Read Lilia’s story here. I have been practicing rhythmic…

Koen’s story

Koen has recently been a member of CrossFit Moves for a year and has already completed more than 100 workouts. He has achieved one goal after another in a short time and he continues to go for it. Read Koen’s story here. In the past, I mainly did individual fitness with a few friends. The…

Jesse’s story

I started CrossFit as an outlet. As an athlete I needed something where I could put all my energy into, where I was challenged to always give the best of myself. I found that in CrossFit, but it’s more than just some exercise! I quickly discovered that there is a close-knit community at CrossFit Moves….

Joeri’s story

Two years ago I discovered CrossFit. It was not the nicest time in my life. I was recovering from a burnout and my self-esteem had dropped to the lowest level ever. I think I can admit that CrossFit saved my life. I was challenged to push my physical and mental limits. Every rep counts The…

Vinnie’s story

From a chubby epicurean to a rock-hard CrossFit athlete, read Vinnie’s story: I’ve been a member of the amazing CrossFit Moves community for two years. In these two years I have become a fitter and happier person. I was therefore very sad when our box had to close in March due to the Corona pandemic….

Maarten’s story

Meanwhile, it’s been almost three years since I first walked into CrossFit Moves. After a few sportless years I had started running again and that didn’t always go as smoothly as I had hoped. Busy days at work and a long relationship coming to an end had pushed me into a rut that seemed hard…

Niel’s story

When Tom asked me if I wanted to write down what my experience with the entire CrossFit Moves membership had taught me over the past first year, I thought: “How am I going to be able to bundle all those incentives into a lot of words? That’s a tough question you ask me there, Tom”….

Ruth-Marie’s story

Sporty, huh? 2 years ago no one would have described me like that. I was certainly active and did sports on my own back then, but that was mainly because I knew it was good for me. And so that I could eat chocolate without feeling guilty. Not because sport was fun. Today my friends,…

Hanne’s story

During a city trip, you can’t resist picking up a WOD in a local CrossFit box, or on holiday with a tent, a car that weighs rather heavily because of the kettlebells in the trunk. That’s CrossFit. A microbe that you can’t let go of. A 5 minute WOD that has an effect? Meanwhile, almost…