Kristof’s story

Kristof’s story

Lid van de maand Kristof Vinckx aan het woord tijdens een CrossFit workout bij CrossFit Moves in Antwerpen

Luca, my girlfriend, and I were looking for a sport that we could practice together. The biggest motivation for this was not to collapse straight into the couch every evening after work, but to be active a little more. As a couple it is not easy to find something that suits us both. And that’s how CrossFit Moves came into the picture.

Apart from the occasional session at the gym and dragging shopping bags from the store to the kitchen, I have no fitness background at all. So when we both attended our first trial lesson, we had absolutely no experience with gymnastics, strength training or weight lifting. I still remember my first trial lesson at CrossFit Moves. We were instructed to remove a barbell from the rack. And that was quite a task. This seemed incredibly heavy at the time, let alone the fact that it still needed weights. So the next few days I was still stiff, which turned out to be normal. I could barely make it up the stairs and my muscles in my arms were stiff. But since then I’ve gotten the itch for CrossFit.

I also really enjoy the mental challenge. They require a greater portion of willpower. I like to work hard to achieve the end goal.

I am not very conscious about nutrition, but I do try to maintain a healthy balance. My meals are balanced and I don’t overdo it with unhealthy snacks. And drinking a Duvel every now and then or passing by the chip shop should certainly be an option. I can maintain this balance well because I attend a class at CrossFit Moves 3 to 4 times a week and regularly schedule a running session in the Rivierenhof.

Personally, I enjoy doing the longer cardio workouts. I also enjoy longer workouts with relatively simple exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, rowing, sit-ups, box step-ups,… I also really enjoy the mental challenge. They require a greater portion of willpower. I like to work hard to achieve the end goal. One of the exercises that I could look at with amazement as a beginner was the pull-up. This is an exercise I never thought I could do without the help of a resistance band. I remember the day I was practicing pull-ups with a band, when coach Eva challenged me to try without a band. This worked surprisingly well. Eva then ‘forced’ me never to use a band for pull-ups again, and so it happened.

Member of the month Kristof Vinckx speaks during a CrossFit workout at CrossFit Moves in Antwerp

Every visible progress is a small victory for me. In the beginning it was to be able to do 3 double-unders in a row. Now the goal is to do 50 in a row without a break. Or, for example, the pull-up. I once started with ring rows, but I am now working towards ten unbroken kipping pull-ups.

CrossFit Moves is a very nice community, where everyone is friendly and has a lot of respect for each other. A nice community where you quickly feel at home. If you’re unsure whether CrossFit is for you, don’t do it! Just come and have a look or take a trial lesson. You certainly shouldn’t be afraid that you are not good enough for it, or that you are not that athletically built. Everyone is welcome and welcomed here with open arms. From newcomers without any fitness experience to more experienced athletes who have the ambition to participate in competitions.

Do you want to be bitten by the CrossFit bug? Register now for a free trial lesson. See you soon!