Author: Tiziano

Niel’s story

When Tom asked me if I wanted to write down what my experience with the entire CrossFit Moves membership had taught me over the past first year, I thought: “How am I going to be able to bundle all those incentives into a lot of words? That’s a tough question you ask me there, Tom”….

Ruth-Marie’s story

Sporty, huh? 2 years ago no one would have described me like that. I was certainly active and did sports on my own back then, but that was mainly because I knew it was good for me. And so that I could eat chocolate without feeling guilty. Not because sport was fun. Today my friends,…

Hanne’s story

During a city trip, you can’t resist picking up a WOD in a local CrossFit box, or on holiday with a tent, a car that weighs rather heavily because of the kettlebells in the trunk. That’s CrossFit. A microbe that you can’t let go of. A 5 minute WOD that has an effect? Meanwhile, almost…

Thierry’s story

Thierry started 7 months ago out of curiosity, he could never have predicted that the result could be so amazing! He has lost 15 kg. His fat has dropped from 22.5 kg to 8.9 kg and his muscle mass has increased by 1.1 kg. I’ve never really done sports fanatically before. I didn’t have a…

Ann’s story

Ann has been CrossFit for 4 years and recently completed the program “From Hesp to Hunk” by CrossFit Moves in collaboration with Marlies van Eat Good Feel Good. Her results? Lose 10 kg of fat (and it stays off) No more afternoon slumps at work Physically and mentally stronger than the past 20 years New…

Bart & Annabel’s story

Skeptical about CrossFit at first. Now almost veterans in our CrossFit box. Fitter than in their 20s and stronger as a couple. Below is the story of our members Bart and Annabel. Do you want to read Bart’s story right away? Then click here. To suddenly skip to Annabel’s story, click here. Bart’s story Before…

Lore’s story

Let me introduce myself: I am Lore Vanmarcke: volleyball player, teacher, 25 years old and living together in Antwerp with my wonderful love Stef Brys. We have been a member of CrossFit Moves since May 16, 2018. Before I started I thought: “CrossFit is not for me…” But now, 5 months later, me and my…

Tommie’s story

Keeping fit is a must for this man. But with his busy life, this is no sinecure! His solution? 3 hours of CrossFit a week. Read below how Tommie found his happiness and health at CrossFit Moves. Boardroom boxer, periodontologist, TEDx speaker, entrepreneur, founder and owner of Medipolis Mond, loving husband, father of Lio, boss…

Bert’s story

The man who never gets tired and for whom no effort is too much. CrossFit is a daily activity for him and it changed his life forever. Despite severe calf injuries to both legs during his former career as a competitive water skier, he has put in great performances in the Masters division in numerous…