Author: Tiziano

Stella’s story

Halli Hello! I started CrossFit around 1 1/2 years ago and I can truly say that it shaped my awareness of my fitness and my health. I am a professional dancer and have a classical ballet education, so physical activity and exhaustion (the good kind) and expanding my limits has been always part of my…

Nicole’s story

Three years ago I first heard the word “CrossFit” through my Spanish friend Ana. She spoke about it with enthusiasm. But still she could not convince me. Earlier this year during a dinner, Ana started talking about her “CrossFit” adventure again. I could see her muscular arms and was impressed. This time I decided to…

Jelle’s story

Before I started exercising I weighed 85 kg and had a fat percentage of more than 20%. I didn’t feel good about myself and I thought to myself: “I have to do something about this…” When I have something in my head, I start it the day itself and give it my 100% . From that…

Raf’s story

I think it’s been 3 years since I started CrossFit. I had no idea what it was and I had no idea I would love it so much. But first back in time… Since I was 16 years old I met a lumbago for the first time. This loyal friend would haunt me from then…

Ellen’s story

When I got to know CrossFit, I could never have imagined that I would still be doing it after 7 years. When at the opening of CrossFit Antwerp a friend asked me to try out the (then unknown in Belgium) sport, I thought: why not? From the first lesson I was sold. A little sidenote:…

Nele’s story

Two years ago, just before the summer holidays, I became acquainted with CrossFit Lividum in Herentals. After a hesitant trial lesson, I enthusiastically prepared for a second lesson with stiff buttocks (My first lesson? Squats squats squats!). Soon I was there four times a week on the sidewalk. Wake up in the morning to go…

Hans’s story

The nice story of Hans, still clean-shaven in the photo, now with a seasoned beard. One of our oldest members, literally and figuratively, but those who finish a fitness WOD faster than him can be counted on one hand! A sportsman, but also an artist, if you get the chance, be sure to visit one…

Veronique’s story

Zumba? Bitch please I do CrossFit 😉 I started on the advice / insistence of a friend. Convinced that it wouldn’t be for me at all: “not sporty, I thought it was going to be way too heavy, definitely something for professionals…” With a lot of (much – in my case) patience, the coaches check…

Christel’s story

Why do people do CrossFit? What does it mean to them, to what extent does it affect their lives, what do they hope to achieve with it, how long have they been doing it,… a lot of questions that each of us can answer for ourselves, but we are all a bit curious to the…