Waarom langeafstandslopen en CrossFit een onafscheidelijk duo vormen
Het voorjaar is in aantocht. Iedereen snakt naar zonlicht en zuurstof. Wat geeft er meer voldoening dan je loopschoenen aan te trekken en met je neus in de wind een uurtje te gaan lopen in de lentezon?
Het onderstaande artikel uit ‘The CrossFit Journal’ toont aan de hand van de ervaringen van marathonloopster Karly Wilson dat CrossFit en verbeterde prestaties in lange duursporten hand in hand gaan. Dus voor iedereen die wil deelnemen aan de Ten Miles van Antwerpen of een ander loopevenement in het voorjaar, hieronder lees je alle redenen waarom CrossFit daar een zeer belangrijke rol in speelt.
Ik heb enkele quotes uitgelicht, het volledige artikel kan hier lezen keep on running!
“the upper body might not seem relevant to marathon runners, but those muscles help the body get rid of the lactate, reducing fatigue.”
“Not one athlete I have ever coached has gotten weaker by incorporating running.”
“trained muscle groups can help clear lactate produced by working muscles.”
“If a marathoner wants to improve their overall work capacity, they must look at their entire body as a unit,”
“Building strength in the entire body also helps create stability”
“CrossFit athletes are often great at producing speed and power, and many have improved overall athleticism by increasing their endurance and stamina.”
“CrossFit athletes are not endurance specialists, but many perform very well in”
“Strengthening ligaments, tendons and muscles throughout the body can help a long-distance runner support the body’s structure and stay efficient even under fatigue”
“Another advantage of muscle is force absorption. The body absorbs three to four times the runner’s body weight with every step. Building strength helps the body absorb that force, reducing fatigue and preventing injury. Further, trained muscles produce force quickly and efficiently, which reduces ground contact time and improves overall speed as runners are propelled through the air.”
“My posture has changed the way that I breathe, how I hold my core. Everything has changed in gaining that muscle, and it hasn’t hindered me at all,” Wilson said.
“I wish I would have known about CrossFit when I first started,” Wilson said, “I want people to know that this is a great way to train for a marathon.”