Het verhaal van Stella

Halli Hallo! I started CrossFit around 1 1/2 years ago and I can truly say that it shaped my awareness of my fitness and my health. I am a professional dancer and have a classical ballet education, so physical activity and exhaustion (the good kind) and expanding my limits has been always part of my life, from an early age on.
When I first started doing CrossFit I immediately fell in love with the philosophy of this sport. The combination of technique, strength, endurance and mobility. Through my background as classical dancer and performer I adore this cathartic moment after a hard workout or show or scene. I dare to say that CrossFit can bring me in a similar physical state. It feels great! A very much appreciated “side effect” is that my body learns to recover much quicker. An example: One performance in our company’s repertoire is “Mount Olympus – To Glorify the Cult of Tragedy – a 24-hour Performance” which is, yes, a performance that takes 24 hours. An incredible hard parcours filled with emotion, transformation, long (very long) scenes, no sleep and many very exhausting physical scenes. Rope jumping with chains, oil wrestling, head banging, rope pulling, dancing, fighting, running, …
My usual recovery time for this performance took around a week. Lying in bed, dead and hungry. Since CrossFit is part of my routine this completely changed! To the best!
I have recovered in less than one to two days after a performance and am able to go to do a WOD. Unthinkable before I joined the CrossFit Moves box. In fact I feel fit all year round, independent from theatre season. In combination with the guidance of Eat Good Feel Good Marlies, a strong team of great coaches and the beautiful community of motivated members that this box creates, CrossFit Moves models me in my best possible shape and I love it!